The OpenHack Hackathon Organizer Guide

Welcome to the OpenHack Hackathon Organizer Guide! It is based a great community initiative by Major League Hacking (MLH) and has been adapted to fit the concept and set-up of an OpenHack hackathon.

This guide is a collection of lessons learned and best practices, both from OpenHack and MLH communities. With it, you will have a roadmap and a guide for how you can arrange an awesome OpenHack with as much impact as possible.

Disclaimer: As MLH states in their original version, the hackathon organizer guide is never finished. It's an ongoing project that we're always trying to update as we and the global hackathon organizer community learn. Try everything, contribute your learnings back to the guide with a pull request over on our GitHub repository for this guide.

Introduction to Organizer Guide

We want to enable our community to use technology and creativity to create sustainable social impact for humanity and society.

This is the first line of our vision for OpenHack and our community, which you are an important part of!

We see hackathons as the foundation for our community where physical meetings take place and innovations are sparked to life. They provide an opportunity for tech volunteers to work together with aid organizations and social actors on pressing humanitarian and social challenges during a short and intense period to design and develop potential solutions. The solutions and ideas are open source licensed and can be taken further anywhere by anyone.

This guide is structured into three parts:

  • What OpenHack Provides - Describes what you can expect from OpenHack centrally and what kind of support and material that we can provide you with through out the planning, execution and follow-up of your hackathon!
  • Organizer Timeline - Gives an overview of the planning, execution and follow-up process, what to think and what needs to be done when, ranging from high to low!
  • Organizer Resources - A list of resources, both documents, templates, and software that you can use for your hackathon. More will be provided to you when the planning process is up and running!

For any questions, what so ever, reach out to us on social media or send a mail to [email protected] and weäll reply as quickly as possible!

Code of Conduct

We enforce a Code of Conduct for all maintainers and contributors of this Guide. Read more here.


The Hackathon Organizer Guide is open sourced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) license. Read more here.

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